30th anniversary

30 years in the same place, dig where you stand, your life is where you are.

At the beginning of October we had our 30th anniversary. We, Anders and Vivian Fabricius, celebrate that we have owned, lived in and run the place we call Resursgården for 30 years. Directly translated from swedish, Resursgården means: Resource farm…an actual place where we have gathered our material and immaterial resources, to make them available to our friends, guests and participants. With hope that people visiting us can use their stay to find own resources.

Slowly, a course and retreat place has grown and established itself far from the pulse of the big city and the center of power. The journey has been a practical concrete journey, a garden has grown out of lawns, houses have been rebuilt to fulfill new functions, greenhouses and outbuildings  have slowly materialized on the plot.

Biodiversity in the 7500 m2 organic garden has increased radically in 30 years, more and more different plants and creatures share the garden with us and our guests.

Resursgården is situated in the middle of Sweden, in northern part of the district of Jämtland, a sparsely populated forest and mountain district. Built in 1880 as a director’s villa and staff quarters, the place has been slowly transformed from fulfilling a function for a traditional northern European ego expansion. To something else… to a place where you can pause, feel, reflect and practice other ways of being in the world. Get in touch with a non-religious spirituality based on your own experiences.

The inside of that journey is both about a love relationship between two people and about them together slowly and patiently following a red thread of inner necessity,” for better and for worse” choosing something, which points in the direction of deepening and spiritual openness. But it’s also about daring to choose slowness, growing your vegetables, doing your meditation training, being friends with the fact that there is not a lot of money in a slow business, that you harvest in other ways…harvested perhaps in the form of an everyday life that is very close to what we experience as a deeper meaning of life. That the meaning of life has landed in everyday life, it is not something that should happen another time, somewhere else. we have shared life and practice since 1982…when it comes to training and our teaching these days, the focus is on Social presencing theater and Dzogchen, and the integration of the two lines of work, a marriage where two things are enriched and deepened in meeting with each other.

Into that reality we invite course and retreat participants, B&B guests or whoever is passing by.

All the way it has been on what must be called a small scale…we only have room for 14 participants on a course or retreat, being that little amount of people, living and eating together too, it becomes very familiar and open, of which  we  have only seen positive effects.

We are very curious about how the becoming years will be, maybe even slower and more heartfelt…

Love from Vivian and Anders

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Fabricius Resurs AB
Org.nr. 556266-4812

Ulriksfors 435
833 93 Strömsund
Tel. 0730 78 68 22

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